Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu and Radio Punditry

Oh man, I am sooooooo scared. I just heard on talk radio that the swine flu is being let into the country by the Obama administration. The idea seems to be that if enough people get swine flu, and the administration can blame the Repulicants for it, that the Demoncrats will be able to force socialized medicine on us and raise our taxes even furthur. Worse, those Volunteer work forces that Obama was mentioning during the campaign are going to be changed into quaranteen camps, and anyone the administration doesn't like is going to be declared an infection case and placed inside. Grab your guns while you can America!!!

and if you believe any of the above bull crap then do us all a favor and move out of the country.

I remember we the Looney Liberal Left was claiming that George Bush was a Illuminati machevellian mastermind who was seeking to destroy the Constitution and extablish a Christian Facist State. Gay men, lesbians, socialists and Arabs beware!!

Now that George is out of office I get to hear the Roomba Recanting Right complain that Obama is secretly a muslim who is a machevellian mastermind bent on establishing a athestic facist state, Bible Thumpers, Gun lovers, Big Buisness, and Soccar Moms beware!!

Same crap, different wrapper.

The last Zogby poll I saw firmly states that bacteria are not on board with the Liberal Agenda, or the Conservative Agenda, in fact, Bacteria are preatty much on the agenda of making more bacteria, which they do with alacrity, fecundity, and in bocu amounts.

Yeah, that' s a french word there in the end, see, even us Redneck-lite Jews can be sophisicated and edumacated Jaenne G.

"But, this is a new strain of swine flu. It must be a conspiracy."

Staple that Tin Foil Hat on a little tighter. Bacteria mutate. They do it at an alarming rate, which is why there is no cure for the "common" cold, and we often have to devise new vaccines for common aliments.

It is no secret to the readers of this blog that I am not an Obama fan. I didn't vote for him, I encouraged everyone I came into contact with not to vote for him, and I will continue to be critical of his fiscal policies which I feel will be the death of our nation.


just because he has a naiive and incorrect theory of economics does not make him the epitome of our problems.

the epitome of our problems is that in modern American politics the parties have to play to their radical elements, and those elements get more face time and more 'grease' than the moderate bodies.

Sadly there is nothing we can do to fix this for the next two years. But two years from now we have a chance to fix it in Congress, and four years from now we have a chance to fix it in the Executive Branch.

Don't vote Liberal or Conservative.

Vote in the best fiscal, security, and economic interests of the country.


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